September 5, 2005

Labor Day turned out to be a hot humid day with a southeasterly wind that did me no good where I was working. But there was no rain in the forecast and so I'm not complaining. I got started early and the first thing I did was to move the rock/sand mixture away from the curved form and pulled it around so I could use the same set-up to pour another section. The picture above shows the form pulled away from the first section. I left the landscape blocks attached so the form move didn't take more than an hour and I was ready to pour. As this section set-up I removed the long form from the long straight pour I finished yesterday.

As you can see in the picture above I then set a form between the curved portion and the straight section. I held this form in place with the landscape stones and rock/sand mix. This was a larger pour and by the time it was completed I was about worn out. It set nicely and I had it finished by 4:00 PM. I will be taking a bit of a break from the concrete pouring as it is getting difficult to pour after work. But my plans are to contine work on the deck on the west side of the shop.

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