January 25, 2004

Like yesterday, today started with more work on the gas line for the portable heater. I worked with the new fitting I bought but had to make another change in the configuration to make it work. The biggest problem today was getting the gas line cleared of the air. I thought I had let enough air out of the line yesterday but I had to remove the heater supply hose and let the line run for about 4 minutes. Even then it took another few minutes to bleed the rest of the air out of it as the flame in the heater sputtered to life. Then it was time to work on getting the wiring finished and the vent fan exhaust line run. You can see in the picture above the flexible metal exhaust line as it heads towards a roof ventilator. I have it wired in two places so it will not come loose and will add onto it before finishing up the attic area.

I took longer on the wiring than I initally planned. My original thought was to complete the wiring once the ceiling was in place but I decided that if I did that I might wish I had it open so I didn't need to crawl through the attic. I did start on the ceiling tile later in the afternoon and as you can see I got enough tile on to get the vent fan and light trimmed out.

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