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Notes for Ernest Chase BREYFOGLE

Lewis Breyfogle knew Ernest well and of him writes:

"Unlike his brothers and sisters, who were all in business and the professions, Ernest Chase Breyfogle wanted to be a farmer, even though city-born and bred. To assist him in this direction, Charles (born 1816), his father, sent him out to Johnson County, Kansas (just outside of Kansas City, Missouri) so he could learn the business under my grandfather, Lewis W. (1836 - 1907). It was there that his first child, Edwin W., was born in 1885, in the same house in which I was born in 1889, four and one-half years later. Ernest and his family shortly afterwards moved back to Ohio, and located in Pickaway County, Ohio, where he spent most of his life in the work he liked so well. Years later, he moved to Akron, Ohio, where I got to know him."

SOURCE: What I know about the Breyfogle Family, Lewis W. Breyfogle, 1963, Page 51

The 1880 Johnson County Federal Census notes that a person identified as 'E. Breyfogle' was living with Lewis W. Breyfogle in Johnson County, Kansas. It is assumed that this was Ernest as outlined in the wirting of Lewis W. Breyfogle. His relationship on the census form was listed as a cousin to the head of household and is working as a farm laborer

SOURCE: 1880 Federal Census, Johnson, KS

Ernest and Ella have returned to Ohio and are living and farming in Madison Township, Ohio.

SOURCE: 1900 Federal Census Madison, Fayette, OH

Ernest and Ella are living in Pleasant Twp with their two youngest children. The census form showing Ernest is unreadable so it is presumed that he continues farming for an occupation.

SOURCE: 1910 Federal Census Pleasant Twp, Madison, OH

Ernest and Ella are living in Pleasant Twp and Ernest does not list an occupation. Their children are not listed with them.

SOURCE: 1920 Federal Census Pleasant, Madison, OH

Ernest and Ella, now in their 70's are living with their son James in Columbus, Ohio.

SOURCE: 1930 Federal Census Columbus, Franklin, OH

Ernest C. Breyfogle. This rising young of Darby Township, Pickaway county; has made his own way in the world, and has achieved prosperity to a remarkable degree for one of his age. He is very active and progressive, and is a popular man in Derby, near which he makes his home. He was born in Columbus, Ohio, November 26, 1862, and his father, Charles Breyfogle, was born in Kutztown, Pa., February 28, 1815. He was the son of Solomon Breyfogle, a native of Pennsylvania, and the first ancestor of the family in this country was great-grandfather of our subject, who came from Virginia before the Revolutionary War with a family of three children, and located in Berks County, Pa. He lived on a farm there, which he cultivated, and also worked at his trade as cabinetmaker, continuing in life until he had compassed more than ninety years.
The grandfather of our subject was a farmer, and lived and died in Berks County, Pa. He was successful in the cultivation of his land, of which he owned some two hundred acres. His life was sadly cut short by means of a tumor in his face, which ended his days at the age of thirty-five.
After his decease, his wife was united in marriage with his brother George, who lived to be ninety-eight years of age. She had by her first union one daughter and eight sons, and by the second marriage one son and eight daughters, eighteen in all. She lived to be a good old age, and brought up her numerous family in the faith of the Methodist Church, to which she belonged, and of which they all became members.
The father of Mr. Breyfogle was reared upon a farm, and subsequently learned the tailor's trade in Columbus, Ohio, to which city he walked from Pennsylvania at the age of sixteen, in company with his brothers. He then followed his trade throughout life, continuing active until he reached an advanced age. He was well known there, and was a member of the City Council for twelve years. For several terms, he was one of the directors of the State Penitentiary. His political views made him a member of the Republican party, and he was a devoted adherent of the Methodist Church. His death occurred December 22, 1884.
The mother of our subject was known in maidenhood as Matilda Cloud, and was horn in Champaign County, Ohio, January 4, 1819, living in that county until she was twelve years of age, at which time she removed with her parents to Columbus, where she met and married Charles Breyfogle. Of her ten children, eight grew to years of maturity. Their names are Charles, William, Selfa (deceased), Esther (deceased), Flora (Mrs. Grumman), Edward, Frank, Callie, Ernest and Frederick.
She still resides in Columbus, and is an earnest and devoted member of the Methodist Church, to which she has belonged since she was twelve years old, and In the affairs of which she took an active interest until old age prevented. Her father, Robert Cloud, came from New England to Ohio at a very early day, and here pursued farming.
The Cloud family originated in America with one who came over in the "Mayflower" in 1620. That ancestor was the great-great-grandfather of our subject, and bore the name of Robert Cloud, and he brought with him his son Robert, who was then a boy, and who became the great-grandfather of Mr. Breyfogle. The name of Robert Cloud is mentioned in history as one of the Pilgrim Fathers, and the family on that side is of English stock. The sturdy qualities of this ancestor have been reproduced from generation to generation in his descendants, who have mainly followed agricultural and professional pursuits.
Our subject was reared in Columbus and educated in the public schools. From the time he was ten years old until he was fourteen, he devoted himself during his vacation to learning the confectioner's trade, and also put in two years of steady work at it. He became independent of his father's support at the age of fourteen, and when sixteen years old went to Johnson County, Kan., and worked for three years, after which he returned to Ohio, and worked on the farm in Fayette County for eighteen months. Later, he spent a year in Kansas, but after that returned and married in Fayette County, and took his wife with him to Kansas. He sold out there in 1886, and returned to Ohio in August of that year, making his home in Mt. Sterling until March 1, 1887, when he bought the present farm and settled here.
Miss Ella Jones, who became the wife of our subject, January 27, 1885, was horn in Pickaway County, Ohio, September 23, 1861. She is a daughter of James Jones, a sketch of whose life will be found elsewhere in this volume. She is the mother of two children, Edwin and Annette. Mr. Breyfogle has one hundred acres adjoining the village of Darby, and it is all tillable and richly productive soil. He has raised a few Percheron horses, contemplates making something of a specialty of raising that breed of horses. He has a large farm residence and an excellent frame barn, and everything about the farm bespeaks the thorough and systematic farmer. Mr. Breyfogle is a member of the Knights of Pythias lodge at Mt. Sterling, and his political views are in accordance with the doctrines of the Republican party. His good wife is an active efficient member of the Methodist Church, and a genuine favorite in social circles.

SOURCE: Portrait Biographical Record of Fayette, Pickaway, & Madison Counties, Ohio 1892

ayette, OH provided middle initial

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